
Thursday, September 2, 2021

House Of Cards

 This is my house of cards that I did, it is only 2 cards high because I tried doing 4 cards high but it kept on falling. The hard part was putting it up and nothing was easy.


  1. Hey Shani, it is hard isn't? I would love to see you keep trying and post a photo when you achieve it.

  2. Hi Shania! Well done on giving this a go! In some of the pictures I found, they turned the cards the other way (so they're landscape rather than portrait). This might make it easier to go higher? I'm going to give it a go while we're on our Google Meet in the morning!

  3. Hi Shani, well done, this is no easy challenge that one sets for ones self.I get the feeling you are very happy by this achievement, well done.I would love to see an update if your able to go another level or two. Good luck.Hey, why don't you blog your idea's/ and experiences about lockdown. I am sure that your classmates would love to hear what else you have been up to, to fill in your days through/during lockdown. Stay awesome and be kind.

  4. Hi Shani,
    how did you do that I have been trying to but it would keep falling down.
    Next time can you put steps about how to do a house of cards.

  5. hey shania well done i think you had to practice for a long time because doing that is not that easy how long did it take for you to do it

  6. you don't really great job it makes him that tower I hope it didn't take you there long

  7. I'm sorry there was a wrong commet you done a really great job at doing it by the way it looks really cool

  8. you done a really gfood job
